I primarily use linux and am glad to have a really useful app. A good "top" replacement. works very well with voiceover. Highly recommend!
I primarily use linux and am glad to have a really useful app. A good "top" replacement. works very well with voiceover. Highly recommend!
When things slow down, look at the memory pie chart and give the app a minute to increase the free memory.
I have used this program since my iPhone 3G. My favourite feature is freeing up ram. It was essential on the 3G and when I got my iPhone 4 I kept it . Well I got my 6+ and continued loving this app until the last update :( Your program no longer frees up Ram like it used to. Very disappointing. Might have to look for a new app. Hope you fix this in your next "update". If you do it goes back to 5 Stars but until then you only get 3
So when they had to update to fix a few things apparently Apple forces them to not allow them to kill processes to free up highly desired RAM. How stupid. Thanks for over stepping your bounds Apple. If it was working, why break it. That Samsung Edge is looking better every day.
My IPad cpu is high so looked for an app to tell me what is sucking it up. This app is suppose to tell me that and it doesnt I found several free apps do a better job Last poorly written, fifth grade computer science class attempt at best
Used to function ok with older versions of iPhone, but does not play well with the latest version if iPhone or iPad
なんでないんだ?意味不明 動作も不安定だし やる気アンの? imemory graphオススメ!
ボタンが無くなったのはアップルが許さなくなったから。自動でやってくれるって逃げ道。 CPU usage が相変わらず信憑性低いけど、その他の機能は神アプリ。
iPhone3G時代から使っています。 メモリー解放ボタンが無いですが違う画面を選択すれば一瞬でメモリー解放します。 iPhone4では1から2回繰りFree:130MBとなりますが、数回繰り返えせばFree:200MBになります。 iPadでは1回でFree:130MBになり、数回してもこれ以上増えません。 特にSafari閲覧ではメモリーを大量に使いますので最適です。 初代TouchからiPhone3Gでも使えます。
標準機能(デバイス情報《ID/IP&MACアドレス》メール可/CPU+メモリ+ディスク使用状況/バッテリー残量/プロセスリスト)+起動時にメモリ解放が最大の売り。情報3画面に集約はいいがデザイン今一。 Standard funcs (Device ID/CPU+Memory+Disk Usage/Battery/Processes)+freeing memory on start. Decent look.
iPhone 3GS iOS3.1.3 アップデートしたら落ちるようになりました。 有料なので、早急に修正希望です。
Cant work on os 4.0:(
This is the best ram monitoring/cleaning app for years!.. Ive been using this since the 1st iphone :) thank you.
Seems its working again!;) moreover it somehow clears memory without button!;)
useful, helpful... Thnx to developerz!!!!
I have been using the App for quite awhile with the iPhone 5. It worked like it should, freeing up memory. Upgraded to iPhone 5SE this week and the App no longer works. Im assuming because of different processors. Ive sent info to the developer and hopefully there will be an update coming soon.
This app doesnt do much at all, it is really glitchy, and doesnt work very well. Also the apps Devon team seem to be removing functionality, at an aim of making this app totally useless. Not sure what they are doing. They obviously dont care about all of the people that purchased the app a long time ago. "Lets just drive our already very basic app into the ground and work hard at making it garbage", I think this is how their Monday morning meeting must go.
This is one of my oldest apps (2007). Its the single reason why I have kept my iPhone. Just keep launching the app over and over to shut off apps running in the background. Your phone will cool down in 30 seconds and battery life will be protected!
THIS APP CLEARS THE MEMORY! Whats the problem. It works perfect. I cant even use my iPhone without it. Just clearing out unused apps dont work as good as this does. It saves you time of shutting down your phone to clear it. Thats why every game or app I try always works 100%. Because I always run this app, while everyone complains games shut down or freeze. Not me thank you. Update: Works fine with iOS 10.
I only bought this to try to determine which app was consuming my CPU making the phone hot and draining my battery. Screen says "Usage is unavailable in this OS version" and "Access to the processes list was removed in this OS version"